Friday, September 07, 2007

Just when you think

you know somebody- you find out that anybody can do anything anytime to anyone for any reason ....despite rules, etiquette, compacts, contracts, promises, respect, and even love. I learned that trust is not something that is absolute for everyone; a person( the anti-absolutist) can act trustworthy, say they are worth trusting, and perceive themselves as trustworthy and then one decision can nullify the concept of trust for the truster( the absolutist). There seems to be no reason to trust anybody, but there is a reason to ignore the entire concept since trust can be such a nebulous concept. How do people make peace when their consciences are extraordinarily, fundamentally different? Is tolerance the act of accepting and embracing someone who would hurt you based on a non-absolute conscientious? Is like- consciences really the item that men and women should be concerned about when seeking a mate rather than sexual, intellectual, or even emotional compatibility? OR maybe it is just like consciousness that will propel a relationship towards peace and longevity.